This system is designed to protect rear-working vehicles from rear-end collisions by using a buffered cushion and an oriented frame. In the event of a collision, the system absorbs impact energy, creating a protective barrier between the accident vehicle and the working vehicle, ultimately reducing the severity and likelihood of damage.

Model | NJJ5060TFZ5national emission standard V (RCP5120TFZ5 Collision-prevention Vehicle) |
Chassis | Jingling brandJX1063TSGA25 |
Engine power | 90kw |
Curb weight | 3550kg |
Maximun weight | 5995kg |
Size | 6650×2040×2340mm |

Model | NJJ5120TFZ5National emission standard V (RCP5060TFZ5 Collision-prevention Vehicle) |
Chassis | 东风Dongfeng brandDFL1120B21 |
Size | 8810×2480×3980mm |
Engine power | 132kw |
Curb weight | 12300kg |
Maximum weight | 12495kg |
Buffered packaging size | 3080×2300×680mm |
Posterior groung clearance | 245mm |
Inversion method | Hydraulic |
Key Features:
- Buffered cushion: Absorbs collision energy, minimizing impact on the working vehicle.
- Oriented frame: Directs the force away from the vehicle to reduce damage.
- Collision protection: Creates a safety zone between the working and accident vehicles.
- Energy absorption: Mitigates the force of rear-end impacts.
- Enhanced safety: Reduces the likelihood of injury and vehicle damage in rear-end collisions.